Former Clients

Below are a selection of our previous clients, including clients of other firms that have since merged into what is now known as VoteNexus.

Ashley Shade

2023 - City Council - North Adams, MA (Democrat)

Ashley Shade, an incumbent member of the North Adams City Council, was originally elected in 2021 and became the first transgender elected official in Western Massachusetts. Our team provided the communications infrastructure for the campaign, working with campaign management and volunteers to develop a plan for press relations, social media, and email.

Ja’Mal Green

2023 - Mayor - Chicago, IL (Democrat)

Ja’Mal Green, an entrepreneur and the youngest candidate to ever run for Mayor of Chicago, engaged our founder to provide political event production services. After a few weeks, we took over management of the campaign, including managing dozens of staff and volunteers in 2 offices on opposite sides of the city. This included all facets of campaign activity from policy to communications and press to debate preparation.

Blue Wave America PAC

2022 - Rural Democrats Turnout Project - Northwest PA (Democrat)

Blue Wave America PAC is a political action committee chaired by former Congressman Mike Ward of Kentucky. BWA’s goal is to empower rural Democrats in key swing states, like Georgia and Pennsylvania. Our work included organizing voters across Northwestern PA to get out the vote, in support of now-elected Senator John Fetterman and Governor Josh Shapiro.

Cristina Crawford

2022 - State Treasurer and Receiver General - Massachusetts (Libertarian)

Cristina Crawford, the treasurer of the Libertarian Association of Massachusetts, engaged us to manage her third-party campaign for State Treasurer of Massachusetts. On a shoestring budget, we were able to build a campaign using a combination of earned media and digital advertising to deliver over 510,000 votes, breaking multiple records for a statewide Libertarian candidate in MA and securing major-party status for the Libertarian Association of MA.

Kristine Cousler-Womack

2022 - State House Representative - PA 93rd District (Independent/Keystone)

Kristine Cousler-Womack, an activist, paraprofessional, and PTA president, hired us to manage her campaign for State Representative in the 93rd District. A member of the Keystone Party (a socially progressive startup party focused on election reform and classical liberalism), running even a long-shot campaign such as this was crucial to establishing Kristine’s political ethos.

Larry Sharpe

2022 - Governor - New York (Libertarian)

Larry Sharpe, two-time candidate for Governor of New York, had just over 5 weeks to collect 45,000 valid petition signatures to be placed on the ballot. Our founder was engaged to manage a team of 30-40 petitioners every single day in New York City, bringing in an average of 1,000 signatures per day. While the ballot drive ultimately failed due to fraudulent petitions submitted by a different ballot access firm, our team was consistent in providing valid sheets.

Nathan Gotsch

2022 - Congress - IN 3rd District (Left-leaning Independent)

Nathan Gotsch, a former Hollywood producer and high school teacher, launched his campaign as an Independent, which required 4,598 valid signatures to place him on the ballot. He hired a ballot consulting company in North Carolina, which contracted us to assist with a 3-month ballot drive that netted 7,000 signatures.